Saturday 25 February 2012

Tool #2 Survey Monkey

The second Web 2.0 tool that I experimented with was a survey program called Survey Monkey. This tool allows the use to create a survey and collect the results online. It provides an easy step by step process of creating and easy to use survey creator system. I was going to create my own survey to help my students study for an upcoming science test on light, but after experimenting with this program I changed my mind.  You can either make your own survey or use one of the surveys already created in their survey bank. In the bank of surveys that are there for anyone to use they have the following subjects Community (2),Customer Feedback (6), Demographics (2), Education (9), Events (3), Healthcare (4), Human Resources (10), Industry Specific (16), Just for Fun (3), Market Research (3), Non-profit (4), and  Political (3).  The nice things about the premade surveys are that you can modify them to meet your needs.
I decided that since anti bullying week is next week that I would use Survey Monkey’s  Bullying Survey.  I deleted some of the questions that were tailored to high school students and ended up with seven questions for my students to answer.  I had my students complete it and we will go over the results as a class next week during anti bullying week.  My students liked taking the survey and told me that they could be honest with their responses since they didn’t have to share their responses openly with the class.  Below are the questions from the Bullying Survey.

1. During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone made fun of you, called you names, or insulted you?
2. During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone spread rumors about you?
3. During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone pushed you, shoved you, tripped you, or spit on you?
4 During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone threatened you with harm?
5. During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone tried to make you do things you did not want to do, for example, give them money or other things?
6. During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone destroyed your property on purpose?
7. During the last week, how many times, if any, has someone left you out of or wouldn’t let you join in activities on purpose?

    I will be giving more feedback on this tool and my students responses during my reflection at the end of the inquiry project.


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