Saturday 10 March 2012

Tool #4 Pinterest

Tool #4  Pinterest

For my fourth tool I have chosen to explore the Pinterest.  Although it is not in my original proposal it is a tool that has been discussed in my staffroom and by other teacher friends.  Pinterest according to their website “Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pin boards created by other people. Browsing pin boards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started, request an invite.”.  What my colleagues are using it for is to find amazing educational ideas that can be shared and organized on personalized boards.  This is a great way to bookmark organize activities and ideas that can be used in a classroom and in everyday life.
            On this site you can follow your Facebook friends that have a Pinterest account as they are linked.  Many of my friends on Facebook are teachers and have used their Pinterest account to search the web and share the great ideas that they have found.  When you start your account you can create virtual pin boards on any subject you choose.  I chose to create the following “boards” on a few of my passions Education, Teachers, and Disneyland.  I then searched my friends “board” and used the search feature to create my boards. I found amazing activities to use in my classroom and to explore further.  Pinterest is an excellent way to bookmark, sort, and share information. 
            An assignment that I would use with this tool would be around finding something that my students are passionate about.  As stated previously I am passionate about education, teaching, and Disneyland and have created boards around those subjects.  I would have students create a board to show to the class and then create a speech to go along with it.  After Spring Break my students will be starting their speeches for public speaking, I plan on making this part of their assignment as a visual.
I will discuss this tool further in in my reflection at the end of the project.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda, how did you get the screen shots up? I am feeling a bit baffled by everything today :)
