Saturday 22 September 2012

Access for All and Other Things

First I'm going to muse about the other things from this weeks lesson on the organization of resources within the library through acquisitions, cataloging and collection development.  I have been extremely to have had an amazing mentor who has let me over the years be involved in the workings of her library when I was tocing.  I spent five years helping her over long periods of time doing all three of the traditional technical services.  Even though I have only had a small TL contract I feel that I have a good understanding of technical services thanks to an amazing TL!  

This post is going to piggyback a bit on the last post in regards to access.  I believe that all students should have access to library resources and to a qualified TL. I am going to now post part of my reflection that I posted in the discussion for this week as it reflects my thought on the access and the library.

Housed in the library are all of the teaching resources, novel studies, and other class materials.  Teachers have access to these materials at all times and the TL has said that he is readily available to help out.  This school seems rich in access to materials, time, and space.  Cutbacks seem not to have affected this school but that is due to the high population of the school and that the entire school uses the TL and the library as prep.

In my previous school the TL was only a .20 position and it was held by the principal who had to teach library because of the small population (220 students) of the school.  The library was rarely used except for scheduled book checkout time.  Access to the library was limited and underused.  I can see as some of my other classmates has noted that underfunding and lack of training is hurting our libraries.  See inb both sides of the coin makes me grateful that I am now at a have school but sad for my former students and fellow colleagues that are at a have not school.

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